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Restorative Motions Airdrie Massage

Today, we think of Massage Therapy as hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. Specifically focusing on the muscles, tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health.


For thousands of years,

literatue from all over the world mentioned kneading, pressing, anointing and Rubbing as a healing



What is Massage Therapy?



Booking & the Schedule


Currently appointment times are

booked between the hours of


5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Monday-Firday

and some Saturdays in the am.



Please text, or email me with your name, requested day, and time frame.



You may also use the contact form at the

bottom of the page.


If these times do not work for you, please let me know what does work, and alternative arrangements may be made.


Currently, only cash, cheque or interact money transfers are accepted.


Thank you,


Angie, RMT






Airdrie Massage | Restorative Motions

I live here too! And, although my house is very clean,

 if you have severe dog allergies we may not be the right match!

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